Physical Education




The school is currently working towards our first Active Schools Flag. The Active School Flag (ASF) initiative is a Department of Education and Skills initiative (DES) supported by Healthy Ireland (HI) which aims to get more schools, more active, more often. It is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.

ASF forms part of the National Physical Activity Plan and the Healthy Ireland vision where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and well-being to their full potential, and where well-being is valued and supported at every level of society and is everyone’s responsibility.


Physical Education Programme

Each class participates in a minimum of one hour timetabled physical Education per week. Pupils take part in lessons that cover the strands of the Physical Education Curriculum – Athletics, Dance, Games, Gymnastics and Outdoor and Adventure activities. 1st-6th Class also take part in the aquatics strand. These lessons take place in the hall and in the playground and school grounds.

Click here to view our PE_Plan.


Prioritized strand for 2021/2022 and Staff Training 

After reviewing our PE plan initially in October 2021, we made a conscious effort as a whole school to timetable gymnastics in both the junior (Junior Infants-2nd Class) and senior classrooms (3rd-6th Class) for 4-6 weeks over the course of November and December. Both members of staff used PSSI lesson plans and were aware of ‘Move Well, Move Often’ resource.

We also requested training on the Gymnastics Strand from the PDST. Liam Clohessy (PE advisor) came to the school and modelled a gymnastics lesson which had an integrated focus on a fundamental movement skill. He also completed a Croke Park Hour with further training on the strand in terms of planning, teaching and assessment. We were made aware of the resources available at


Our P.E. equipment and resources are clearly labelled, well organised and easily accessible.